Eurovac Products
Plastic Garbage Canisters
The addition of a garbage canister at every post will help keep your facility neat and tidy as well as provide cleaning convenience for your customer. Customers can empty the large items directly into the garbage before beginning the vacuum process. As well, the garbage cans are conveniently placed directly under the interceptors which makes for easy cleaning maintenance for a staff member at the end of the day. Simply open the bottom dump latch on the interceptor and material will empty into the garbage can below.
Part Numbers:
- CAN-POS-GC0PL000 (Powder Coat Finish Bracket)
- CAN-POS-GC0PL00S (Stainless Steel Bracket)
Equipment Specs:
- Capacity: 32 Gallons
- Dimensions: 22” x 27-3/8”
- Colors: Blue, Black, Red & Yellow
- Mounting Bracket
- Grey Plastic Funnel Lid